Lets connect, share, and grow together!
Hosted via Zoom on Wednesdays at 6PM EST
July 17
Sabbaticals, Vacations and days off? How?!
The adage "quit my 9-5 to work 24/7" should not exist! But when you are growing a business, how do you take the time for rest and relaxation? What systems should be in place to make sure your business runs while you take off? Is vacation a real thing for CEO's?
Aug 7
Setting Yourself up as the Expert
Clearly you know what you're doing, but does the world? How are you platforming your expertise? How are you- and your business- showing up as experts in your industry? When do you know you are now the teacher instead of the student?
Sept 4
Content Strategies
So you are posting on social media, but how are you decided what's the best mix for you? What type of content works best for your audience? And how are you determining digital "success" for your business?
Sept 25
Email Marketing Tips, Tricks, & Tradeoffs
Let's talk about how to use email marketing effectively. What's working? What's not? Where do you see opportunity still?
Oct 16
AI beyond Chat GPT
AI is becoming the norm in our business lives, so what tools are you using outside of ChatGPT? Join to gain some insight can you implement AI into your business operations.
Nov 6
Money and Your Mindset
They say success is a state of mind. So what does your mindset say about you? What are some ways you are mentally preparing for the growth you are looking for and what holds you back from the financial abundance you seek?
Dec 4
Handling Holiday Slumps
Slow periods happen for everyone. So how are you preparing your business for those moments?